
  • Dave Lewis - Independent Director - hält ein Bachelor of Arts der Nottingham Trent University.
    Pepsico - Getränke - USA
  • Martin Gibson - Merchandise Director, JD Outdoor Group - graduierte von Nottingham Trent University.
    JD Sports Fashion - Sportwaren - Großbritannien
  • Melissa Leick - Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Cargill Specialty Portfolio - has a Master's Degree in Humam Resources from Nottingham Trent University and Bachelor of Arts in Communications from University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
    Cargill - Landwirtschaft - USA
  • Richard Al-Dabbagh - Managing Director, Global Head of Corporate Development and Transformation for Wealth Management and Insurance - has a Postgraduate Certificate in Management from Nottingham Trent University and Bachelor of Arts in Financial Services from Sheffield Hallam University.
    Santander - Banken - Spanien
  • Richard Spoor - Senior Vice President and President, Laboratory Products - hält ein Bsc Hons Industrial Management der Nottingham Trent University.
    Thermo Fisher Scientific - medizinische Geräte - USA
  • Ian Chambers - Digital Director - hält ein Bachelor of Arts, Honours Design Studies, Online & Offline Design Management and Marketing der Nottingham Trent University.
  • Praveen Rajan - Chief Consumer Business Officer - hält ein Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Computing der Nottingham Trent University.
    CelcomDigi - Telekommunikation - Malaysia
  • Richard White - Commercial Director, Risk and Compliance Officer - hält ein Bachelor of Arts in European Business der Nottingham Trent University.
  • Nicola Dobson - Managing Director of Peugeot United Kingdom - hält ein Bachelor of Arts in European Business and French der Nottingham Trent University.
    Stellantis UK - Auto - Großbritannien
  • Dave Lewis - Non-Executive Chairman of the Board and Chair of Nominations & Governance Committee - hält ein Bachelor of Arts der Nottingham Trent University.
  • Kieran Shanahan - Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer - hält ein Bachelor of Laws der Nottingham Trent University.
    Walmart US - Einzelhandel - USA
  • William Cottam - Creative Director - hält ein Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design der Nottingham Trent University.
  • Carolina Brodasca - Chief Product Officer - hält ein Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Marketing and Communication der Nottingham Trent University.
    Miu Miu - Bekleidung - Italien
  • Juliette Hickman - Director - hält ein Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration der Nottingham Trent University.
    Keurig Dr Pepper - Getränke - USA
  • James Goodliffe - Director of Store Development - hält ein Bachelor of Science Degree, Urban Estate Surveying der Nottingham Trent University.
    Starbucks EMEA - Restaurants - Großbritannien
  • Stuart Jordan - Chief Executive Officer, Central and Eastern Europe - hält ein Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Management der Nottingham Trent University.
  • Byron Fernandez - Group Chief Information Officer and Executive Vice President, Malaysia and India - hält ein Master of Business Administration der Nottingham Trent University.
  • Marie Measures - Chief Digital Information Officer - graduierte von Nottingham Trent University.
  • Paul Crane - Managing Director - hält ein Bachelor of Arts in Business, Commerce der Nottingham Trent University.
    TotalEnergies UK - Öl & Gas - Großbritannien
  • Naoise Ryan - Vice President, International Marketing - hält ein Bachelor of Arts in Media and Cultural Studies der Nottingham Trent University.
    Columbia Records - Musik - USA
  • Mike Sewart - Chief Technology Officer - hält ein Bachelor of Science in Computer Science der Nottingham Trent University.
  • Peter Laco - Head of Commercial Enterprise Market Division - has a Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management from Nottingham Trent University and Engineering degree in International Business from University of Economics in Bratislava.
    Slovak Telekom - Telekommunikation - Slowakei
  • Joel Dodd - Head of Workplace - hält ein Bachelor of Science in Construction Management der Nottingham Trent University.
    Standard Chartered Asia - Banken - Singapur
  • Paul Graves - Director, President and Chief Executive Officer - hält ein Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Finance der Nottingham Trent University.
    Arcadium Lithium - Chemie - USA
  • Naushad Chauhan - Head of Information System Operations, Service Delivery - hält ein Bachelor of Science, Industrial Management, Operational Management der Nottingham Trent University.

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