Mark Rayfield - Senior Vice President, Chief Executive Officer of North America Region - hält ein Bachelor der Clarkson University.Saint-Gobain - Material - Frankreich
David Fein - Vice President of Sales, Americas - hält ein Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering der Clarkson University.Micron Technology - Halbleiter - USA
Greg Lotko - Senior Vice President and General Manager, Mainframe Software Division - hält ein Bachelor of Science in Computer Science der Clarkson University.Broadcom - Halbleiter - USA
Andrew Zogg - Vice President of Program Excellence - hält ein Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering der Clarkson University.L3Harris - Rüstung & Raumfahrt - USA
Ken Metz - Senior Vice President of Finance, Wine and Spirits Division - hält ein Bachelor in Accounting and Finance der Clarkson University.Constellation Brands - Weine & Spirituosen - USA
Matt Kellogg - Director of Operations - has a Master in Engineering Management from Clarkson University and Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management from University of Vermont.General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems - Rüstung & Raumfahrt - USA
Peter Byrne - Chief Information Officer - has a Bachelor of Science in Management from Clarkson University and Management Degree from Valley Forge Military Academy & College.JenCap - Versicherung - USA
Marykay Wells - Chief Information Officer - hält ein Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Science der Clarkson University.Pearson - Bildung & Ausbildung - Großbritannien
Mary O'Shaughnessy - Director, Information Technology Infrastructure - has a Master of Business Administration in Marketing from Clarkson University and Bachelor in Business & Managerial Economics from SUNY Oneonta.Equitable Holdings - Versicherung - USA
Anantha Desikan - Executive Vice President and Chief Research, Development and Innovation Officer - has a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering from Clarkson University and Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering from Coimbatore Institute of Technology.ICL - Edelmetalle & Mineralien - Israel
Lew LaFornara - Vice President, Supplier Marketing and Product Management - hält ein Bachelor of Science in Industrial Distribution der Clarkson University.
David Green - Vice President, North Atlantic - has a Master of Science in Engineering and Management from Clarkson University and Bachelor of Science in Engineering and Management from Clarkson University.Applied Industrial Technologies - Großhandel - USA
Jim Richert - Senior Vice President, Profit Center Leader, Subcontractor Default Insurance - graduierte von Clarkson University.Axa XL Insurance - Versicherung - Bermuda
Mark Schroeder - Executive Vice President and President, Diagnostics Laboratories and Chief Operations Officer - hält ein B.S, Industrial Engineering & Management der Clarkson University.LabCorp - Gesundheitswesen - USA
Inderjit Camotra - Head of Human Resources - has a Master of Business Administration in Finance from Clarkson University and Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.Centrum Capital - Finanzdienstleistungen - Indien
Joe Mastrangelo - Chief Executive Officer and Director - hält ein Bachelor of Science in Finance der Clarkson University.Eos Energy Enterprises - elektronische & elektrische Bauteile - USA
Neeraj Sahai - President, International - has a Master of Business Administration from Clarkson University and Master of Arts in Economics from Delhi School of Economics.Dun & Bradstreet - Unternehmensdienste - USA
Patrick Mulvaney - Chief Engineering Officer - hält ein Master of Science in Engineering der Clarkson University.Hamilton Beach - elektronische & elektrische Bauteile - USA