
  • Andrew Ashton - Senior Vice President, Corporate Finance - hält ein Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Finance der University of Newcastle.
  • Charmaine England - Chief Growth Officer - hält ein Bachelor of Business Administration in Business, Management, Marketing and Human Resources der University of Newcastle.
    Kenvue - Haushaltsprodukte - USA
  • Marco Amitrano - Senior Partner, United Kingdom and Middle East - has a Master in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University of Newcastle and Bachelor from Columbia University - Business School.
  • Brad Blyth - Chief Information Officer - hält ein Degree in Information Science and Software Engineering der University of Newcastle.
    Kmart Group - Einzelhandel - Australien
  • Rick Howell - Aviation Operational Risk Consulting Leader - has a Master of Aviation Management from University of Newcastle and Bachelor of Aviation in Human Factors and Aviation Psychology from Western Sydney University.
    Marsh Specialty - Versicherung - USA
  • Tony Latham - President, North America - hält ein Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Business Law der University of Newcastle.
  • Patrick Er - Chief Sales and Service Officer - has a Master of Business Administration from University of Newcastle and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan Technological University.
  • Marco Amitrano - Alliance Senior Partner - has a Master in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University of Newcastle and Bachelor from Columbia University - Business School.
  • Azrin Nashiha Abdul Aziz - Acting Group Secretary - hält ein Bachelor of Laws der University of Newcastle.
    SD Guthrie - Nahrungsmittel - Malaysia
  • Andy Hewson - Managing Director, Cambodia - graduierte von University of Newcastle.
    Heineken Asia Pacific - Getränke - Singapur
  • Cristina Rynning - Vice President, People and Skills Development - hält ein Bachelor of Business in Marketing der University of Newcastle.
    Aker Solutions - Öl & Gas - Norwegen
  • Julie Carroll - Chief Human Resources Officer - has a Master of Business Administration from University of Newcastle and Master of Human Resources from University of Newcastle.
  • Jason Gleeson - Regional General Manager, Eastern Region - hält ein Bachelor of Engineering in Microeconomics and Industrial Relations der University of Newcastle.
    Hitachi Construction Machinery Australia - Schweres elektronisches Gerät - Australien
  • Eileen Doyle - Director - hält ein Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics der University of Newcastle.
    Airservices Australia - Airlines - Australien
  • Stewart Wingate - Chief Executive Officer and Director - has a Master of Business Administration from University of Newcastle and degree in electrical & electronic engineering from University of Northumbria.
  • Paul Kidd - National Technical Manager - hält ein Bachelor of Science in Environmental, Analytical, Industrial Chemistry der University of Newcastle.
    Cement Australia - Material - Australien
  • Chris Riorden - General Counsel - has a Bachelor of Laws from University of Newcastle and Bachelor of Commerce from University of Newcastle.
    RGF Staffing APEJ - Unternehmensberatung - Australien
  • Andrew Gresham - Managing Director, Defence Delivery - has a Master of Business Administration from University of Newcastle and Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering from University of Newcastle.
    BAE Systems Australia - Rüstung & Raumfahrt - Australien
  • Suksant Ongvises - Executive Vice President, Lang Lebah Project - hält ein Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical der University of Newcastle.
    PTTEP - Öl & Gas - Thailand
  • Jemma Enright - General Manager, Airports - hält ein Bachelor of Arts in Communications der University of Newcastle.
    JCDecaux Australia and New Zealand - Kommunikation & Verkauf - Australien
  • Aaron Fryer - Regional Chief Financial Officer - hält ein Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) der University of Newcastle.
    Allianz Asia Pacific - Versicherung - Singapur
  • Josh Sparke - Managing Director of Podium (starts on Mar 1 2025) - graduierte von University of Newcastle.
    PA Media Group - Medien - Großbritannien
  • Michael Jovicic - Chief Executive Officer - hält ein Bachelor of Commerce der University of Newcastle.
    Patrick Container Terminals - Logistik - Australien
  • James Clifton - Senior Director, Marketing Operations and Analytics - hält ein Bachelor of Management, Marketing and Human Resources der University of Newcastle. Asia Pacific - Software - Singapur
  • Michael Clark - Executive General Manager, Business Development - has a Master of Business Administration in Organizational Leadership from University of Newcastle and Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering from University of Newcastle.
    Centennial Coal Company - Bergbau - Australien

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